Up to $1.6 billion will flow soon to Ontario municipalities
Today Premier Doug Ford announced the first round of funding through the Safe Restart Program.
The money is for transit, social services, shelters and other critical public services.
“And we’re giving the municipalities the flexibility to use this funding to address their unique pressure(s),” said Ford. “And next week I look forward to consulting with our municipal partners at the AMO conference.”
Ford says it’s all a part of getting Ontario back on track as the recovery continues.
Today we announced funding allocations for every municipality to help recover from the impacts of #COVID19.
Ontario’s 444 municipal mayors and our provincial government stood together throughout negotiations with our federal counterparts.
We are stronger when we work together. pic.twitter.com/DeM3n3mKtp
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) August 12, 2020
To watch the Premier’s full August 12th address, see below.
Premier Ford Makes an Announcement
Premier Ford Makes an Announcement
Posted by FordNation on Wednesday, August 12, 2020